Making money is something we all must do, unless of course we are born into money or win the lotto. Since we have a better chance of getting struck by lighting while having dinner with Elvis, we must work. Work as defined by the dictionary; Work: Activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.
This sounds just like the thing I hate but I am forced to do every day. Now you must understand, I am not lazy by any means. I love the end result of working and how it gives me a sense of accomplishment. I have a knack for turning things over and selling them again! Its a gift straight from God himself! I am proud to have such a talent and it surprisingly pulls the best side of me right out in the open... MY PERSONALITY! So OK, I still have not got to the good part... Why I dread it and have to have a "bitch fit session" with my friend Kim each morning before I punch the clock! If I happen to miss this extremely important release of energy & weight, and all this stress is not released and lifted off my shoulders, the day is just not right. Our slogan is this.... "Long drawn out whiny voice coming from an old lady probably by the name of Erma or Gladis" I DONT WANNNA GO TA WORRKK! Its a brand I think.
I am sure a lot of other humans can relate... at times I am blown away by the thought of just how many? A true tally I believe would be off the scales. But why? Maybe it has something to do with the last part of the definition. Achive a purpose or result...Hmm... Ok, Ok I know what your thinking...I just said I like that part, but let me explain, What happens if the purpose or result is the same each time and benefited you minimally or in some cases not at all? Well now I think we are on to something. A skilled professional once told me, the act of doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result or improvement in this case is the absolute tell tale sign of insanity. WOW!!! I knew I was insane for going to work each day! I was not lying to my self after all! HURRAY! So we work our hands to the bone and waste the best years of our lives helping another person or company achieve what we so desire and deserve.
Where did we go wrong and what can we do about it?
That I am happy to report is a much easier question to answer! Thanks due in part to the internet and computers coming into the affordable range for more people. I know your asking your self's how can I do that? What would it cost to start out? I could never afford to start up a business! That is crazy talk! You could not be more wrong. You can start a business on the internet for free if you really took the time to look into your options and do a little googleing. Its a pursuit of passion keep in mind, that way you have a better chance of success and your not stuck doing something you hate. If you do not sit and take time to think to your self what do I love to do? Well that step is key to your happiness and the overall success of your enterprise!
I am going to quit my job tomorrow and get started!
Hold the brakes! Rome was not built in a day, or even a year!
I know now you are thinking yikes this is going to be a hard and long road! As it should. That is the inevitable truth in turning an idea into a reality. And we have to go into it knowing that very fact. Its a journey and maybe the best practice to owning success and wealth. These moments you want to throw in the towel and give up is the humbling fact that you are now a slave to your self and your own future. A slave no more to others. Please remind your self this is an ok normal feeling for all of us! Now as we make our transition we still need the stability of a steady pay. If we all keep our 40 hr a week jobs that is possible. Oh man! Now I am working 60 hrs a week? Yup, that's the truth.
We are entering into the abyss of zombie land.
Once you have a plan of when & how much time you will put into the new venture you will be well on your way to getting some important matters taken care of. May it be a weekend day, night, after work for a few hours a night or day depending... The point is take baby steps at first. You do not want to burn your self out completely and just know that the success of your venture is completely in your hands and you have full control. You will soon find it will take on a life of its own. You will want to work on it, you will find that the more you do the larger it grows. And with so many things out there that people need, the talents of the people of the world are just waiting to be consumed by others! Why hoard yours, or use it to someone else benefit? Insanity I tell you! I am proud to be a zombie!
Here is a look at my little venture... Its not much, it helps with gas and fun money... But its mine and I run the show. If I decided to put more time and effort into it I bet I would not need my part time job at all!
ANTIQUE4UNIQUE 1960s Green Viking Glass Fruit Bowl
Some products to get you started! Love the one about Steve Jobs! What an incredible man!
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